We all have different fitness goals which is great. For some it’s about beating their 5k time, for others it’s about getting their deadlift PB, and for many of us it’s simply about feeling better about ourselves….both physically and mentally. Strengthening your core should be a goal for all of us. Whether it be for the aesthetics of defined looking abs or to assist your strength when doing other exercises, or improving your posture and reducing niggles and injuries. Don’t underestimate the benefits of having a strong core….you will be surprised at how much your core is used most of the exercises you do; if you can strength your core you will see your performance in the gym improve (both cardiovascular and strength wise).

Benefits of a Strong Core:

  • Better posture
  • Improved breathing
  • Improved balance
  • Assists with fewer injuries and niggles
  • Posture

Bad posture is often the result of misalignment of the pelvis which may affect the curvature of your spine. A strong core will be engaged during standing and assists in evenly balancing your body weight so that you are standing with correct posture. Furthermore, this will reduce lower back pain usually caused by poor posture putting pressure on your lower spine.


Strong core muscles assist with the support of your diaphragm, encouraging you to take in full, deep breaths. Imagine the benefit this will bring during those long runs, an intense weight training session or even when brisk-walking across town.


When doing core exercises, your balance improves and the cerebellum area at the back of the brain is activated. The cerebellum is responsible for balance, spatial awareness and coordination. Not only do core work outs exercise your body, they challenge and exercise your brain too. Therefore, your hand-eye synchronization will be improved for activities and sports where this is required – tennis for example. This will also assist you as you become more vulnerable to falls in later life; improved balance should reduce the risk of this.

Now that we know some of the functional benefits of the core muscles, you’re probably wanting to hear of some new core exercises that are different from the basic crunches and will give you the benefits listed above. So, without further ado, here are some core exercises that can be done at home or in the gym…

Strong Core Exercises

Lying Windshield Wipers

  • Start by lying on your back on a mat.
  • Stretch your arms out either side so that you’re lying in a ‘T’ shape.
  • Bend your legs at a 90 degree angle and keep your legs and knees together, slowly moving them from left to right so that they’re close to (but not quite) touching the ground at either side of you.
  • Switch this up by doing the same movements but with your legs straightened and toes pointing towards the ceiling.
  • Do each movement slowly so that you can feel a stretch in each side of your torso.
  • Set a timer for 30 seconds and do as many reps as you can within this time.

Hand to Knee Plank

  • Start in a straight arm plank position – arms straight, balanced on your toes and hands and a neutral spine
  • Slowly lift your right arm and bend your left leg then touch your left knee with your right hand.
  • Then, lift your left arm and bend your right leg and touch your right knee with your left hand.
  • I’d recommend setting a timer of 30 seconds and seeing how many you can do in this time; aim to increase the number you can do whenever you try this exercise.

Plank with Hip Dips

  • Position yourself in a regular or low plank position – balancing on your forearms and toes with a neutral spine.
  • Twist your torso to the left so that the side of your left hip almost touches the ground then turn your hips again so that the side of your right hip is close to touching the ground. It is important to not let your back bend whilst doing this but for the movement to be guided by your waist and hips.
  • Set a timer for 30 seconds and see how many of these alternating hip dips you can do whilst in the plank position.

Pallof Press

  • Grab a resistance band and tie one end at chest height to something stable which won’t fall over.
  • Stand upright with the band to your left side and stretch the band so that it is coming from your left to the centre of your body.
  • Hold the band at arm’s length away. Keep the band taught and stand still with your arms stretched out in front of you, holding the band stationary for around 10 seconds.
  • Then, bring the band close to your chest before stretching it out in front of you again. Once this rep is complete, turn 180 degrees and repeat the process from the opposite side.
  • Aim to do 3 sets of each of these exercises to feel the full benefit.

    We hope you enjoy these exercises and reap the benefits of a stronger core, whether that’s in the gym and simply in day to day life. Remember the personal training team are always on hand in the gym if you have any questions.

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